Public Safety



The City of Huron Police Department provides a wide range of services to protect and serve the community.  The Department, under the command of the Police Chief is divided into two areas: Field Operations and Support Services.  The Field Operations is divided into two divisions: Patrol and Special Services (Animal Control and Code Enforcement/ Nuisance Abatement). The administration/Support Services is divided into three divisions: Communications, Property and Evidence, and Records.  Within the divisions there are smaller units that handle other functions such as Administration, Community Services and Investigations.  Due to the small size of the department it functions as a generalist police agency which means officers perform the vast majority of case work from responding to the calls, preparations, and testimonials in court.  This requires all Department personnel to perform the generalist function and be cross trained in other areas and duties; thus, carrying one of more collective duties in addition to their primary duties.

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